Tech Entrepreneurs Get a Hand Pairing Up

Originally published August 10, 2012

By Ian Sherr

When David Hegarty moved to San Francisco from Seattle in 2009 to start a company, he had a problem: He didn’t know anyone he could to team up with.

Mr. Hegarty, now 34 years old, was a business guy who knew how to manage sales, make deals and strike partnerships. What he needed was an engineer.

On a whim, he signed up with FounderDating, a website that aims to help people find a partner to jointly pour blood, sweat and tears into a start-up.

“Unlike normal dating, finding someone to start a company with is not a process that’s well understood,” says Jessica Alter, who co-founded San Francisco-based FounderDating three years ago with Saar Gur, a partner with Charles River Ventures.

FounderDating is one of a growing number of businesses and services trying to match tech-company founders. Competitors range from Maryland-based CoFoundersLab to prominent venture-capital firms such as Sequoia Capital, which funded companies including Google Inc. and LinkedIn Corp.


To read the rest of the story, either contact me directly or read more online at the WSJ: here. (subscription required)


(Published Aug 10, 2012, in The Wall Street Journal.)